gitaar FOLK  AT  HOME
House Concerts in Tilburg


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Welcome to our Folk At Home site, a new initiative to organise folkconcerts in our own living room.

Our living room concerts take place in Tilburg Noord (Quirijnstok). Not to disappoint people who come to the door without a reservation we will pass on the address details a week before the concert to those who have reserved.

On this site you will find information about these concerts and the musicians who will be performing. Musicians who have, in our opinion, already left an amazing legacy in the folkmusic world and who are garanteed to provide an evening of musical pleasure.
And for anybody who plays music themselves: we strive to let every concert end with a jamsession, preferably with the artist who has performed that night.

So if you are looking for a night of beautiful, catchy, and enthousiasticly performed folk music, and if you would like to join in the action after the show, then quickly have a look at our agenda and come to our next Folk At Home concert!

You are listening to: 'On She Goes' sung by West of Eden
who will perform in our living room on Sunday April 6, 2025.

(see under News)

The origin:

In October 2010 we recieved a message from a friend of ours in England, that a certain singer/songwriter, whose music we enjoyed greatly, would be performing in Holland. After checking the dates of his shows, we discovered that the concerning artist would, besides performing in local venues, also perform at a homeconcert. We were very curious to this concept and so we went to this concert in The Hague where we, plus 30 other musiclovers, enjoyed a lovely evening with great English Folk. The atmosphere was cozy, intimite and layed back en because of the small scale of the concert, interaction with the entertainer was possible aswell.
After the performance several members of the audience brought out their instruments and they all played some music together in the so called session.
It was a great ending to an evening filled with beautiful music, which we enjoyed for days after the show.

In the weeks after this concert we began to feel that we wanted to host concerts like these ourselves. A thought that build up in several weeks and after a few months became a deep rooted desire to organise. What is more fun than a group of like-minded people who enjoy beautiful music, and enjoy making music together afterwards aswell?!

To make a long story short: We did it! After months of cold feet, inhibitions, anxiety and the feeling of what if nobody shows up and, what if I can't find any good singers and will I ever be able to pull this off we finally decided to give it a go and had our first houseconcert the 25th of november 2011. The grand Irish/English singer/songwriter Anthony John Clarke was the first to grace us with his lovely performance and it was a huge success!

We hope that many other concerts will follow but most of all we hope people will enjoy it! If, after reading this, you have any questions or remarks, please don't hestitate to contact us. We will try and answer you as quickly as possible!
All there is left to do is to invite you to join us for a concert, to enjoy fantastic music from amazing artists from Ireland, England and other nationalities and hopefully you will join us for a session afterwards!

Here you will find more information about Hanneke, Arie en Annique and the performances they give outdoors: